Hope-Jasna Gugić

Jasna Gugić


I would like to take

the paths of new hope

and erase my

footprints behind

me because your

escort is

superfluous before

the rising sun.

I would like to walk

the land of solitude

for years

and walk on

the silence of the

pathlessness liberated

of all your words and deeds.

I would like to be

born again bathed

in purity of my soul

and stand in front

of the starry sky as a newborn.

And pardon my rude words

and be patient because my

loneliness is your loneliness, too.

You are my other-self.

You do what I m afraid of.


Krenut bih htjela stazama

nove nade i stope izbrisat

za sobom jer pratnja je tvoja

suvišna pred nadolazećim suncem.

Ja kroĉit bih htjela zemljom samoće

godinama i hodat po tišini bespuća

oslobođena svih tvojih rijeĉi i djela.

Htjela bih se rodit ponovo okupana

ĉistoćom moje duše i stati pred

zvjezdanim nebom kao novorođenĉe.

Oprosti na mojoj gruboj rijeĉi i strpljiv

budi jer samoća moja je i tvoja samoća.

Ti moje si drugo ja.

Ti ĉiniš ono ĉega se ja bojim.

All Rights Reserved@Jasna Gugić.


Translated by Anita Vidakovic Ninkovic

In English and Croatian