Nasretdinova Aziza-The Importance of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors in the Development of Tourism Potential in the Republic

The Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors is actively involved in the development and implementation of strategies aimed primarily at the development of youth tourism. Increasing interest in the tourism sector among young people, encouraging them to travel and helping them discover new destinations is one of the main tasks of the council. Council members, by sharing their experiences and innovative ideas, help young people understand what kind of industry tourism really is and its importance today. In the process, various events and projects are organized to explore new directions and attract the youth to the tourism sector. As a result, Council strengthens not only the interest of young people in tourism sector, but also promotes to promote culture and national identity of Uzbekistan.

⦁  Formation of healthy minds and healthy minds in young people, expanding their worldview;
⦁  In order to form a healthy mind and consciousness of young people, the council organizes various events and seminars. These activities aim to broaden the youth’s outlook, engage them in social issues and promote a healthy lifestyle. Educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism in the field of tourism is not only important for the development of tourism, but also plays a great role in increasing respect for national culture and history. By encouraging young people to explore the historical and cultural heritage of their country, they can be encouraged to actively participate in the tourism sector. Young people get acquainted with the historical places of their country, ancient monuments and traditions, which will form a sense of national pride. Tourism lessons, excursions, trips to historical places are effective methods in this regard.;
Promotion of cultural literacy of young people;
Activities within the framework of tourism will not only educate young people to be loyal to their country, but also lay the foundation for training future specialists for the tourism industry. Currently, in order to increase material literacy in the field of tourism, training courses using foreign standards, as well as special tourism laboratories have been established at universities. In particular, a “Tourism Laboratory” has been established at Karshi State University, equipped according to international standards. Thanks to it, the cultural and secular literacy of young people is being promoted.
Ensuring decent participation of young people in building civil society and democratic state;
None of us can deny that it is necessary to have knowledge and skills internationally to study or work in the tourism sector. Young Tourism Ambassadors will share experience with young people from other countries in the field of international tourism development. This will shape among them an attitude to building a society based on the principles of open dialogue, free thinking and democracy. Young Ambassadors participate in various international events and conferences that promote the culture of public opinion and discussion in the development of a democratic state. This process serves to strengthen civil society.
Teaching and propaganda of spiritual and enlightenment factors, national values;
Members of the Council of Regional Young Tourism Ambassadors thoroughly promote national values in order to educate young people in the spirit of spirituality and patriotism.  They will glorify their people and culture by conveying national customs, traditions and cultural heritage to foreign tourists. They also contribute to the preservation of historical monuments and cultural heritage by actively promoting and preservation of national values. Thanks to it, a sense of national pride and patriotism will grow in the younger generation. This process is also of great importance in maintaining national identity and promoting it internationally.
To develop and elevate in young people a love for our sacred history, a sense of reverence for our great ancestors;

 With our rich history, the role of history in every area of our country is invaluable. The tourism sector is no exception. Through tourism, cultural and historical monuments of Uzbekistan, for example, architectural monuments in cities such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Kashkadarya and Khiva, increase people’s love for their ancestors. Visiting historical sites helps to remember the achievements of our ancestors in times past. This will contribute to the deeper study of national history and culture by young people and a new generation

Studying the problems of youth tourism, analyzing them, as well as conducting practical work related to the elimination of these problems and the development of their understanding of personal ideas;

One of the main goals and tasks of Young Tourism Ambassadors is to support young people their interest in tourism and provide practical assistance in implementing their promising projects. The Regional Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors of each region will support start-up projects to identify problems in the tourism sector and create several solutions in order to solve them. They can solve many problems in this area by working individually on each relevant project

⦁ Application of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Tourism” into the life of young people, protection of their interests;

⦁ Implementation of a number of resolutions and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated February 3, 2018 N UP-5326 and Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2018 N UP-5326 “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan” The Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors organizes various scientific and cultural contests and competitions for their inclusion among young people. Through these outreach activities, the Council of Tourism Ambassadors encourages young people to actively study innovations in the tourism sector.

 Building cooperation with the international community and strengthening tourism and cultural ties with youth abroad.

Young Tourism Ambassadors have inspired the youth of our country to participate in international forums and programs. This contributes to the international experience of young people, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, as well as the recognition of tourism potential of Uzbekistan at a global level. He also develops bilateral tourism and cultural ties through meetings and cooperation with young representatives of foreign countries. They facilitate the exchange of international experience in the field of tourism, come up with new ideas and initiatives to improve tourism infrastructure.

As mentioned above, a regional council of young tourism ambassadors will be established for each region. How is the work of the Council carried out?

The Management Structure and Members of the Council are:

⦁ Chairman of the Council: Youth is responsible for ensuring the implementation of decisions and decrees on the development of tourism, providing recommendations for the development and implementation of projects. One of the main tasks of the Chairman of the Council is to organize and control meetings, forums and youth conferences at the international level in the field of tourism. The Chairman of the Council also coordinates cooperation with state organizations, departments and ministries involved in state youth policy.

⦁ First Deputy Chairman: Responsible for the chairmen of the Council of Regional Young Tourism Ambassadors.

⦁ Deputy Chairman: Oversees the managers of the Council of the Republic.

⦁ Organizational Manager: Responsible for creating the necessary conditions for organizing events, conferences, and holding them.

⦁ Innovation and National Content Creation Manager in Tourism: The main role is to create video and recorded content.

⦁  International Cooperation Manager: Is involved in the organization of meetings and youth conferences at international level in the tourism sector.
⦁  Translator Work Manager: Ensures participation of young people with mastery of foreign languages to international tourism events as a translator.
⦁  Scientific Manager: The main objective is to broadly involve young people in scientific projects in the field of tourism.
⦁  Inclusive Youth Affairs Manager: Engages in the widespread promotion of domestic tourism among youth and children with disabilities
Human Resources and Legal Manager: Responsible for improving the legal literacy of the members of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors of the republic and region, and shaping the document base.
Head of the Press Service: Regularly publicizes the pages of the Council in social networks, places quality information on social networks (provided by the Ministry) through the necessary media for events and projects that will take place during the activities of the Council.
Each board member will be selected on the basis of a special interview. For example, recently, when selecting candidates for membership in the Council of Young Tourism of Kashkadarya, their knowledge, abilities, experience and achievements to date were especially noted. The survey found out which field they could work in. Candidates who passed all stages were accepted to the board on the basis of a special interview.

⦁  The invaluable role of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors in raising tourism potential of Uzbekistan is invaluable. This council plays an important role not only in the recognition of the cultural and natural wealth of our country, but also in stimulating the younger generation to actively participate in the tourism sector. Young Ambassadors will support modern technologies and innovative approaches that will create new opportunities for the development of tourism industry. Young people will take part in making tourism more attractive by expressing their ideas and ideas. They play a crucial role in promoting Uzbekistan at the international level, preserving local traditions and ensuring environmental sustainability. Young Tourism Ambassadors also increase the interest in tourism in society by involving other young people in tourism activities.  As a result, the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors will serve to increase Uzbekistan’s competitiveness in the global tourism arena, promote the development of the local economy and preserve the cultural heritage. As a result of their activities, Uzbekistan will not only be recognized as a tourism center, but also stimulate creative thinking and implementation of innovative solutions by the younger generation. Thus, the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors serves as an important Foundation for the future of Uzbekistan. In addition, the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors takes into account social responsibility in the activities of the university. They participate in projects aimed at developing environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism that contributes to the preservation of the natural wealth of Uzbekistan. The Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors serves as an important foundation for the future development of Uzbekistan.    Thanks to their participation, our country will open new horizons not only in tourism, but also in social and economic spheres. Thus, the activity and creativity of young people will serve to further increase tourism potential of Uzbekistan.
⦁  References:
⦁  ⦁ Charter of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors;
⦁  ⦁ “Youth are the builders of the future!” Regulations on the organization and holding of the III International Congress;
⦁  Decree of February 3, 2018 No. UP-5326 “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
⦁  Decree of February 3, 2018 No. UP-5326 “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan”

⦁ Websites:

⦁ ⦁ 

⦁ ⦁ 

⦁ /storage/app/media/docs/zakoni_turizma/uz/PF-5781-13.08.2019.pdf

⦁ oz/2023/03/29/tourism/

The Importance of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors in the Development of Tourism Potential in the Republic

Annotation: Uzbekistan is one of the countries that stands out for its rich history, cultural heritage, and stunning natural attractions, holding a significant place on the world tourism map. Located in the heart of the Great Silk Road, Uzbekistan attracts travelers with its ancient cities, mesmerizing architecture, and vibrant traditions. However, to fully realize the tourism potential of this beautiful country, modern approaches and new ideas are essential. The Youth Tourism Ambassadors Council takes on the task of promoting such ideas and further introducing Uzbekistan on the global stage. Young people are a generation with a modern mindset, supportive of innovative approaches, and well-versed in global trends. Their energy and creativity undoubtedly enhance the opportunities in our country’s tourism sector day by day.
The primary goal of the Youth Tourism Ambassadors Council is to increase Uzbekistan’s tourism potential, preserve our cultural heritage, and harmonize it with modern tourism demands. In this article, we will analyze the role and significance of the Youth Tourism Ambassadors Council in Uzbekistan’s tourism sector. We will also explore how their activities can further develop our country’s tourism potential.
Keywords: Tourism potential, start-up projects, global trends, tourist attractions, innovative ideas, historical sites, cultural and spiritual life, international standards, international conferences, transformation, fostering patriotism.
Uzbekistan has great potential in tourism industry as a country full of history, culture and natural beauty. Today our country attracts a lot of foreign tourists not only with such historical cities as Khiva, Samarkand, Kashkadarya and Bukhara, but also with several hotels with beautiful nature. Increasing tourism potential of Uzbekistan is not the task of one region or region, but one of the tasks facing the whole nation, people and society. That is why the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors works in every region.

⦁  Ensuring the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 31, 2023 No. UP-81 “On measures for transforming the sphere of ecology and environmental protection and the organization of the activities of the authorized state body”, dated April 30, 2022 No. PP-232 “On additional measures for diversification of domestic tourism services”, increasing the activity and interest of the younger generation in the field of ecology and tourism,  In order to implement promising ideas and projects in these areas, for the past three years, from 8 to 13 August, in the camp “Lochin” in Shakhrisabz district, Kashkadarya region, the exhibition “Youth Builders of the Future! The III International Kurultay will be held within the framework of the Congress elections of the Ambassador of Tourism for each region of Uzbekistan.   After the selection of the candidates, they are elected not only as “Tourism Ambassadors” of their region, but also as the chairman of the regional Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors. Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors is an initiative of a group of active youth without legal status. The Council has the right to maintain contacts with ministries and state organizations, non-governmental and non-governmental organizations, public organizations, other similar centers and foundations in the Republic. Partnerships such as these will serve as a foundation for further development of the Council’s activities. The main tasks of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors are:
⦁  Development of youth tourism;

The Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors is actively involved in the development and implementation of strategies aimed primarily at the development of youth tourism. Increasing interest in the tourism sector among young people, encouraging them to travel and helping them discover new destinations is one of the main tasks of the council. Council members, by sharing their experiences and innovative ideas, help young people understand what kind of industry tourism really is and its importance today. In the process, various events and projects are organized to explore new directions and attract the youth to the tourism sector. As a result, Council strengthens not only the interest of young people in tourism sector, but also promotes to promote culture and national identity of Uzbekistan.

⦁  Formation of healthy minds and healthy minds in young people, expanding their worldview;
⦁  In order to form a healthy mind and consciousness of young people, the council organizes various events and seminars. These activities aim to broaden the youth’s outlook, engage them in social issues and promote a healthy lifestyle. Educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism in the field of tourism is not only important for the development of tourism, but also plays a great role in increasing respect for national culture and history. By encouraging young people to explore the historical and cultural heritage of their country, they can be encouraged to actively participate in the tourism sector. Young people get acquainted with the historical places of their country, ancient monuments and traditions, which will form a sense of national pride. Tourism lessons, excursions, trips to historical places are effective methods in this regard.;
Promotion of cultural literacy of young people;
Activities within the framework of tourism will not only educate young people to be loyal to their country, but also lay the foundation for training future specialists for the tourism industry. Currently, in order to increase material literacy in the field of tourism, training courses using foreign standards, as well as special tourism laboratories have been established at universities. In particular, a “Tourism Laboratory” has been established at Karshi State University, equipped according to international standards. Thanks to it, the cultural and secular literacy of young people is being promoted.
Ensuring decent participation of young people in building civil society and democratic state;
None of us can deny that it is necessary to have knowledge and skills internationally to study or work in the tourism sector. Young Tourism Ambassadors will share experience with young people from other countries in the field of international tourism development. This will shape among them an attitude to building a society based on the principles of open dialogue, free thinking and democracy. Young Ambassadors participate in various international events and conferences that promote the culture of public opinion and discussion in the development of a democratic state. This process serves to strengthen civil society.
Teaching and propaganda of spiritual and enlightenment factors, national values;
Members of the Council of Regional Young Tourism Ambassadors thoroughly promote national values in order to educate young people in the spirit of spirituality and patriotism.  They will glorify their people and culture by conveying national customs, traditions and cultural heritage to foreign tourists. They also contribute to the preservation of historical monuments and cultural heritage by actively promoting and preservation of national values. Thanks to it, a sense of national pride and patriotism will grow in the younger generation. This process is also of great importance in maintaining national identity and promoting it internationally.
To develop and elevate in young people a love for our sacred history, a sense of reverence for our great ancestors;

 With our rich history, the role of history in every area of our country is invaluable. The tourism sector is no exception. Through tourism, cultural and historical monuments of Uzbekistan, for example, architectural monuments in cities such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Kashkadarya and Khiva, increase people’s love for their ancestors. Visiting historical sites helps to remember the achievements of our ancestors in times past. This will contribute to the deeper study of national history and culture by young people and a new generation

Studying the problems of youth tourism, analyzing them, as well as conducting practical work related to the elimination of these problems and the development of their understanding of personal ideas;

One of the main goals and tasks of Young Tourism Ambassadors is to support young people their interest in tourism and provide practical assistance in implementing their promising projects. The Regional Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors of each region will support start-up projects to identify problems in the tourism sector and create several solutions in order to solve them. They can solve many problems in this area by working individually on each relevant project

⦁ Application of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Tourism” into the life of young people, protection of their interests;

⦁ Implementation of a number of resolutions and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated February 3, 2018 N UP-5326 and Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2018 N UP-5326 “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan” The Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors organizes various scientific and cultural contests and competitions for their inclusion among young people. Through these outreach activities, the Council of Tourism Ambassadors encourages young people to actively study innovations in the tourism sector.

 Building cooperation with the international community and strengthening tourism and cultural ties with youth abroad.

Young Tourism Ambassadors have inspired the youth of our country to participate in international forums and programs. This contributes to the international experience of young people, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, as well as the recognition of tourism potential of Uzbekistan at a global level. He also develops bilateral tourism and cultural ties through meetings and cooperation with young representatives of foreign countries. They facilitate the exchange of international experience in the field of tourism, come up with new ideas and initiatives to improve tourism infrastructure.

As mentioned above, a regional council of young tourism ambassadors will be established for each region. How is the work of the Council carried out?

The Management Structure and Members of the Council are:

⦁ Chairman of the Council: Youth is responsible for ensuring the implementation of decisions and decrees on the development of tourism, providing recommendations for the development and implementation of projects. One of the main tasks of the Chairman of the Council is to organize and control meetings, forums and youth conferences at the international level in the field of tourism. The Chairman of the Council also coordinates cooperation with state organizations, departments and ministries involved in state youth policy.

⦁ First Deputy Chairman: Responsible for the chairmen of the Council of Regional Young Tourism Ambassadors.

⦁ Deputy Chairman: Oversees the managers of the Council of the Republic.

⦁ Organizational Manager: Responsible for creating the necessary conditions for organizing events, conferences, and holding them.

⦁ Innovation and National Content Creation Manager in Tourism: The main role is to create video and recorded content.

⦁  International Cooperation Manager: Is involved in the organization of meetings and youth conferences at international level in the tourism sector.
⦁  Translator Work Manager: Ensures participation of young people with mastery of foreign languages to international tourism events as a translator.
⦁  Scientific Manager: The main objective is to broadly involve young people in scientific projects in the field of tourism.
⦁  Inclusive Youth Affairs Manager: Engages in the widespread promotion of domestic tourism among youth and children with disabilities
Human Resources and Legal Manager: Responsible for improving the legal literacy of the members of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors of the republic and region, and shaping the document base.
Head of the Press Service: Regularly publicizes the pages of the Council in social networks, places quality information on social networks (provided by the Ministry) through the necessary media for events and projects that will take place during the activities of the Council.
Each board member will be selected on the basis of a special interview. For example, recently, when selecting candidates for membership in the Council of Young Tourism of Kashkadarya, their knowledge, abilities, experience and achievements to date were especially noted. The survey found out which field they could work in. Candidates who passed all stages were accepted to the board on the basis of a special interview.

⦁  The invaluable role of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors in raising tourism potential of Uzbekistan is invaluable. This council plays an important role not only in the recognition of the cultural and natural wealth of our country, but also in stimulating the younger generation to actively participate in the tourism sector. Young Ambassadors will support modern technologies and innovative approaches that will create new opportunities for the development of tourism industry. Young people will take part in making tourism more attractive by expressing their ideas and ideas. They play a crucial role in promoting Uzbekistan at the international level, preserving local traditions and ensuring environmental sustainability. Young Tourism Ambassadors also increase the interest in tourism in society by involving other young people in tourism activities.  As a result, the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors will serve to increase Uzbekistan’s competitiveness in the global tourism arena, promote the development of the local economy and preserve the cultural heritage. As a result of their activities, Uzbekistan will not only be recognized as a tourism center, but also stimulate creative thinking and implementation of innovative solutions by the younger generation. Thus, the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors serves as an important Foundation for the future of Uzbekistan. In addition, the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors takes into account social responsibility in the activities of the university. They participate in projects aimed at developing environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism that contributes to the preservation of the natural wealth of Uzbekistan. The Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors serves as an important foundation for the future development of Uzbekistan.    Thanks to their participation, our country will open new horizons not only in tourism, but also in social and economic spheres. Thus, the activity and creativity of young people will serve to further increase tourism potential of Uzbekistan.
⦁  References:
⦁  ⦁ Charter of the Council of Young Tourism Ambassadors;
⦁  ⦁ “Youth are the builders of the future!” Regulations on the organization and holding of the III International Congress;
⦁  Decree of February 3, 2018 No. UP-5326 “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
⦁  Decree of February 3, 2018 No. UP-5326 “On additional organizational measures for creating favorable conditions for the development of tourism potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan”

⦁ Websites:

⦁ ⦁ 

⦁ ⦁ 

⦁ /storage/app/media/docs/zakoni_turizma/uz/PF-5781-13.08.2019.pdf

⦁ oz/2023/03/29/tourism/