Emotions are the only assets ,
Which a mother gathers in her world.
Son explores the world with his merit , intelligence and laughters.
This paradise is a divine pilgrimage,
Where both unite for a friendship and bond.
To a mother her son is an explorer ,
To a son his mother is his world and admirer.
Galloping from the transitions in each phase of life ,
A mother scrimmages with the hindrances to circumscribe.
Feelings and possessions of moments ,
Only envelope her endeavours to hold her son close to her bosom.
Does the son realise that in his adulthood ,
A dearth of sensitivity mustn’t create a void ?
A logical reasoning always pricks his conscience ,
“Mom , you are my greatest support , confidante and pride “
To this beautiful day when a mother unfolds,
her joys and pride ;
To raise her son as an adult ( 18 years ) in a stride.
That special day brings a lot of challenges ahead ,
” My son you are strong , determined and effervescent today.”
May all your dreams come alive ,
May you receive love , warmth , affection and success as you contrive.
Let the world be a cradle to fondle you ,
Let the experiences ahead be a benchmark to instil good virtues.
Let the candles illuminate your life ,
And my love resonates and envelope you as a paradise.