“True Dreams Never Die” Author: Amanbayeva Dinora Botirbek qizi

Every person has a dream and strives to achieve something, which keeps them active and motivated. Sometimes they spend sleepless nights, unable to fall asleep. People of all ages, from children to adults, have noble intentions and goals. As long as a person lives, they strive for something. In our country, the attention given to the education and upbringing of the younger generation and the opportunities created encourage our youth to become the best, most skilled, and well-rounded individuals in their respective fields. Even today, thanks to the initiatives of our president, Sh. Mirziyoyev, there are ample opportunities in educational institutions to support and nurture young people, enabling them to acquire knowledge and showcase their talents. This has opened the doors of opportunity for all youth. Every young person is showcasing their abilities, excelling on the international stage, bringing victories, defending the honor of our country, and raising our flag high. In our society, there are various types of people and fields, and everyone aspires to master their chosen profession from an early age. Alongside this, I would like to share the story of one person.
This is the story of a young girl named Sarvinaz! From an early age, she was a knowledgeable and hardworking girl who stood out from her peers. Instead of spending her time on play and fun, she devoted herself to studying and helping her mother. She started going to a tutor. Sarvinaz thought, “When I grow up, I want to be a teacher and make my lessons as interesting and useful as possible for my students by creating methods and textbooks.” As time passed, new dreams and goals began to emerge in her. As a child, she admired her grandfather. Why? Because Sarvinaz’s grandfather was a very kind and knowledgeable person. While studying to become a student, some of her friends treated her unfairly. Two of her friends told her that she would never get into university and mocked her. Over time, Sarvinaz was accepted into the university she had dreamed of, while the two friends who had mocked her failed to get in despite repeating the exams for two years. When Sarvinaz entered university, she felt even more responsible and decided not to ask her parents for money, but to earn it herself. She was also interested in learning languages, music, and playing the dutar. She didn’t want to waste time. Later, she started teaching foreign languages in a learning center. She began living the life she had dreamed of! She wanted to be remembered in history with a good name, and now she is a polyglot who everyone admires, teaching foreign languages in the most effective way, as she had always wanted, sharing her knowledge with others.
Sarvinaz overcame the difficulties on her path to achieve her goals and did not stop there. She tested herself in various fields, and her efforts were not in vain. Of course, sometimes, in order to achieve something, one must give something up. In time, she justified the trust her teachers and parents had placed in her, achieving numerous successes and making their faces glow with pride. Now, Sarvinaz is being invited to numerous interviews and television programs. Despite her youth, she became a person admired by her peers, and she did not stop learning and exploring new fields. She always believed that a person should never stop, always strive, and persist in their efforts.
In conclusion, if a person desires something from the bottom of their heart, the entire universe will strive to help them achieve that dream. A dream should not remain just a dream; one must work hard to achieve it. Never be afraid to dream, whether the dream is small or big.