Nurbek Alisherov-How to start a project

Biography:Nurbek Alisherov, 16 years old.
Junior student and Research assistant at Target International School.
Founder of various projects and software engineer at Digital Generation Uzbekistan. (site isn’t working now, because of some technical issues)

The article explores the steps involved in creating projects, practical tips for young individuals to bring their ideas to life, and the multiple benefits—both personal and academic—that come from engaging in such activities. It contains information about how to start a personal project as a student. By analyzing recent studies, starting projects and startups is becoming a more common extracurricular activity among students.

Key Words:
personal project, problems, build team, management, technical skills, challenges.

Starting a project is an exercise that we do when there is free time. Not only starting a project, but also running a project is a crucial factor for individuals who want to build powerful projects. Most founders of projects face problems of management due to lack of knowledge on it. As a result, they take the term “just do it,” avoiding all the forms of management, process, and discipline. However, there is the question, “How to start a successful project?”

Choosing a topic

For starting a project, the topic should be accurate before beginning. The topic should be easy to understand, which people can remember easily. If the project is good, people suggest their friends use the project; in terms of that moment, the project’s name plays a vital role in the public.

How to choose a good topic?
1. Making a list of interests and main points of the project as well as lists of related words and synonyms.
2. Draw It Out. Sketch out the relationships between ideas.
3. Define it in sentences.

 The project should also be simple to explain; the founder of the project doesn’t need to spend more time explaining the project’s purpose. The founder should be ready to answer questions briefly.

If we just needed to think about implementing the idea, it’s required to create a massive database with answers to all possible questions.
What should be there?
project description;
target audience;
expectations, and goals;
desired project completion time.

The planning project is the most crucial factor in the process of starting a project. It is not just about how the project will go on; it should be about the duration of the project, like what will happen after 2 months?. The founder of the project should be ready for any moment that will occur in the running process of the project; nobody knows what will occur after 3 days. Therefore, in the plant, there should be an additional plan for unexpected events.
With the help of detailed planning, you will transfer all the processes to the appropriate specialists, and it will be possible to advance steadily to completion. Also, in case of problems, it’s possible to go back one stage, fix everything, and move on.

Build the team
A project team is a group of people that work together to complete a project. Usually, project teams are cross-functional—meaning they’re made up of individuals from different groups or departments within the organization, working toward a common goal.
Team building is crucial because it fosters better communication, boosts morale, enhances collaboration, and increases productivity. It helps team members understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, leading to improved problem-solving and overall performance.

Designing & Coding
After planning the project, preparation for creating it should be started. This is where the serious work on the project begins. In this stage, the project’s online version will be created. Also, at this stage of development, the user experience and its path through the product are considered.

The implementing project means putting the project’s plan into action.
Here are some steps to implement the project:
Step 1: Document the goals.
Step 2: Break down a project into tasks.
Step 3: Define the team members’ roles and responsibilities.
Step 4: Create a schedule.

Hopefully, after reading the article, the reader will find benefit. Main points of article which were mentioned in the article are how to start a successful project and ways of starting it.

List of Used Literature
Reference list
Eric, B. “Lean Startup”
Sam, Altman. (2018). How to Succeed with a Startup. [online] The video. Available at:

Mark, K. (2021). Project From Scratch: From Planning To The Final Product. [online] The article. Available at: