This article discusses the problems that students face in language learning today…Ibrahimova Durdona

Current issues of language teaching methodology

Abstract: This article discusses the problems that students face in language learning today, as well as the elimination of problems related to the skills of reading, speaking, listening and writing in foreign language learning. gives information about finding a solution against.

Key words: foreign language, methodology, reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension.

Today, innovative technologies, learning, language learning and creation of new discoveries are increasingly developing in the world. Each location has language requirements in any field. In the 21st century, the language directly penetrated into every field and took a permanent place. As our first president, Islam Karimov, said, “Currently, the teaching of foreign languages ​​is very important in our country. This is certainly not for nothing. Today, there is no need to overestimate the importance of perfect knowledge of foreign languages ​​for our countries, which are striving to take their rightful place in the world community, and for our people, who are building their great future in solidarity and cooperation with our foreign partners. As a logical continuation of these thoughts, we should emphasize that the President’s decision “On measures for the further development of the system of teaching foreign languages” adopted on December 10, 2012, further expands the opportunities for learning foreign languages. expanded. Knowing a language makes a great contribution to the development of the country. For this reason, attention to language learning in our country is becoming one of the most urgent issues today. Currently, learning foreign languages ​​is started from the kindergarten age.Students have been acquiring language skills since kindergarten. However, not all students are able to master foreign languages ​​perfectly. This is one of the current problems.

      In order to effectively teach foreign languages, teachers use different teaching methods. Despite the fact that these methods help teachers a lot, they cause some problems for students. An example of this is low reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of students. In order to overcome problems related to reading, writing, listening comprehension and speaking, teachers need to deal with students of 4 skills separately. In this way, they will be able to find out exactly where their students are having problems, what they are doing wrong, and work on these mistakes to solve the problems. In the school environment, students’ difficulties in the field of listening comprehension are as follows:

Formative language difficulties

Content difficulties

Difficulties in terms of speech perception

Speech difficulties

Difficulties that occur from the point of view of linguistics

Audiotext Structure Difficulties

      Listening comprehension is a process that allows students to learn and increase their understanding of information as they read. This ensures that students are able to absorb, analyze, discuss and learn information.

The following actions are recommended to improve students’ listening comprehension:1. Empower students to learn information independently: Give students opportunities to acquire and work independently to find and learn information, as well as ask questions and conduct discussions.

2. Encouraging discussion and dialogue: Providing opportunities for students to consult, exchange ideas, and share information. Discussions and interactions help students increase their understanding and strengthen skills.

3. Practical training: To give students the opportunity to turn information into practice through practical training. This will be very effective for students to increase their understanding and absorb the information.

4. Support student learning: Helping students improve their learning and understanding, supporting them and ensuring their success is essential.

     Teaching students to speak a foreign language is considered an intermediate goal, that is, during the first few years of education, they learn speaking and listening comprehension, and reading and writing serve as teaching tools. Speaking is the basis of the teaching tool. Therefore, speaking fulfills 3 tasks: a means of communication, a means of teaching and a practical purpose of teaching. To speak a foreign language, we must first adapt our speech to that language. In order to improve speech, of course, we perform many exercises, and by performing these exercises, we develop speaking skills and competence.

Speaking skill refers to a person’s ability to communicate with other people, express their thoughts and share information. This skill helps a person to be successful in self-expression, future work and learning processes.Here are some tips to improve your speaking skills:

1. Discussion and dialogues: To provide opportunities for students to improve their speaking skills through dialogues and discussions. They develop speaking skills by expressing their opinions, asking questions and having logical discussions.

2. Additional activities: Giving students the opportunity to improve their speaking skills through additional activities. For example, you can develop your speaking skills through practical activities such as role-playing in class, trips to museums, and activities to fill your time.

3. Reading books and articles: It is very important to help students improve their speaking skills through books and articles. It will be useful for them to develop their speaking skills by analyzing and analyzing written articles.

4. Interactive teaching methods: Interactive teaching methods such as group work, discussions, questions and answers help to improve speaking skills. These methods are very effective in developing students’ communication and discussion skills.In the interests of the foreign language teaching methodology, firstly, the code-switching (transition of letters into sounds) in the written text, secondly, the linguistic action performed by the person, and thirdly, the tripartite process of conveying the result of communication is called reading. Winter has become an activity like eating, sleeping, and working, that is, a means of obtaining spiritual nourishment. Scientific and technical and other information is acquired through reading. The student uses foreign language textbooks, reading books. , can learn about the history of the life, customs, and culture of the country whose language is being studied by reading various magazines.

Patience, independent work and practical implementation will be effective in improving foreign language study techniques. It is very important to give students opportunities to practice the language, engage them in conversations and motivate them to learn the language independently every day.

1. Track the language: The first step to learning a foreign language is to have a general understanding of the language’s usage and rules. It helps to understand the movements, pronunciation and grammar of the language.

2. Memorization of words and phrases: It is necessary to memorize many words and phrases in a foreign language. Translations, false sentences or sets of sentences are helpful for memorizing words and phrases.

3. Focusing on communication and content: It is very important to work with communication and content when learning a foreign language. Through communication, you can develop your ability to practice and learn the language.

4. Lessons and programs: It makes language implementation and learning processes more interesting and helps students develop practice.

5. Textbooks and online resources: Through these resources you can easily learn the grammar, vocabulary and content of the language.

6. Practical exercises: Practical exercises are very important in learning a foreign language. In order to practice the language, the students will follow the language, communicate and write exercises. The use of the above methods will help to develop reading skills.According to Professor Wilga M. Rivers of Harvard University, one of the famous exponents of the methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​in the United States, being literate means knowing how to read and write. In the teaching of written speech, issues such as written material, writing as an educational tool, and written works are solved. Students’ written opinions based on the acquired language material and oral speech topics are implemented in practice. Upper grades use language material and study topics, and students do not perform written speech. Writing appears as a means of thoroughly mastering language material, developing oral speech and reading skills, and checking the level of mastery of educational material. By doing written work, students will have the skills to write letters to their peers or relatives in a foreign country. It is necessary to perform exercises such as game play, making a story plan, recording the works read. Also, in each class, depending on the conditions, taking into account the level of development of students’ skills and qualifications, a special procedure for performing writing exercises should be determined. Writing in a foreign language gives people the opportunity to work in global companies, participate in international conferences and communicate around the world. Learning to write in a foreign language increases people’s ability to express themselves in an international context and develops their connections around the world.In conclusion, we must say that in order to effectively learn foreign languages, we must make good use of the conditions created in the educational process and the opportunities given to us by our president. As we live in such a rapidly developing time, we must also adapt to this time. We should not stop when we encounter problems in language learning, but we should try and move forward. Also, both sides, the teacher and the student, should work with equal enthusiasm to solve the problems related to language skills, which are among the current issues that can be focused on. must In language learning, it is good to devote time to each type of 4 skills, use certain methods, and correct mistakes by working on them.


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