Raimkulova Dildora-World experience of education development in a globalizing society…

World experience of education development in a globalizing society.

Mentoring activity, the effects of turning to a mentor.

Mentoring is a word we often hear in universities, professional trainings, and in the offices of successful companies. But what does this actually mean? In this article, we will reveal the essence of mentoring, get acquainted with its main principles and learn how it can become a key tool for personal and professional growth.

Key words; mentor, ment, Individual mentoring, group mentoring, Educational mentoring, formal, natural, peer, coaching, situational.

“Success in education is the only source of inner strength, the energy to overcome difficulties, the desire to learn.”

 V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The 21st century is a period of significant changes. This is the age of a new culture, the age of introducing new technologies that make demands on a person at a renewed level of consciousness, understanding new possibilities. The new conditions of the development of the society affect, first of all, the most important institution of socialization – the educational space.

  Mentoring is an educational process in which a person with extensive experience and knowledge takes on the role of a consultant and mentor to another person (mente) who seeks to develop and improve his ideas in a particular field. Mentoring involves months of training, sharing information, and helping achieve personal and professional goals or outcomes for a specific project.

A mentee is someone who wants to learn and grow. It can be a student, an aspiring professional or someone who wants to develop in a certain field. Ments work with mentors to learn more, gain new skills, and become more confident in what they do.

A modern mentor gives advice and guidance, shares his knowledge and experience, helps another person grow personally or professionally. This senior colleague or teacher helps you understand something difficult or learn something new, provides support and answers questions so that you can move forward and achieve your goals. Relationships are built on trust and mutual respect. Mentoring can be formal, with clearly defined boundaries and activities, or informal, where communication and knowledge sharing is more free and natural – either way, you get help from a mentor.

Types of mentoring; Mentoring comes in many forms and each one is suitable for different situations. Each type has its own advantages and can be useful depending on your preferences. The main thing is to find a look that you like and that will help you achieve the desired result.

According to the form:

-Individual mentoring – one mentor works with one mentee. It is like a teacher and a student. They meet one-on-one, discuss issues, work on tasks, and set directions. Ment gets the expert’s full attention and together they can go deep into the subject. It is good for those who want to work intensively on themselves and their skills.

-Group mentoring – one mentor works with several mentors at the same time. Imagine a circle or interest club that meets occasionally. All participants can learn together, share experiences, support and receive help. The mentor leads the group, helps the participants communicate and ensures that everyone receives knowledge and support.This is a great opportunity for coaches and those who enjoy interacting with group dynamics.

-Educational mentoring is aimed at teaching specific skills or knowledge, it can be a master class, a project or a series of lessons. A mentor acts as a teacher who imparts knowledge to a group of mentees or to an individual student. This type of work is suitable for those who need to quickly learn new things or improve their skills in a certain area.

 On the role of mentor:

Formal – everything is organized in advance: there will be a schedule of meetings, clear plans, like in school.

Natural – when people find each other on their own and relationships develop naturally, like friendships.

Peer-to-peer is the sharing of knowledge between people at the same level but in different fields, such as sharing books.

Situation – How to ask a passerby for directions when you need advice on a specific matter or task.

Mentoring – a mentor helps you find the resources and knowledge you need, such as git, which talks about images in a museum.

Why apply for a mentor?

Applying can be a key step towards personal and professional growth and therefore;

 First, a mentor gives you the unique opportunity to learn from someone else’s experience, avoiding many of the mistakes you might make yourself.

 He can share his knowledge with you about how to make a career, what steps to take for growth and what pitfalls to avoid. In addition, a mentor can be your personal teacher in learning useful skills that will contribute to your professional development and new achievements. It will not only give you technical knowledge but also help you develop important soft skills like communication and teamwork.

Mentoring also includes an element of motivation. Your mentor is a source of inspiration and support, especially in times of doubt and hesitation. He will help you to believe in yourself and your abilities by giving you the support you need.

Steve Jobs was mentored by Mike Markkula, one of Apple’s first investors and top managers.

Remember that mentoring can open doors for you to your own professional network. It broadens your horizons and creates opportunities for career growth and development. With its help, you can establish connections and look at problems from a new angle, which often leads to unexpected and effective solutions. Finally, a mentor will help you define your goals and develop a strategy to achieve them., but instead of physical training, you will train your mind, your skills.

Remember that mentoring is a relationship that requires mutual respect and a willingness to learn from each other. Therefore, wherever you find your mentor/mentor/advisor, it is important to build that relationship on the basis of openness, leverage, trust, and honesty.

Used literature.

1. What is mentoring and why is it necessary for everyone? Mentoring — chto eto prostymi slovami, kto takoy mentor i dlya chego on nujen (tutortop.ru) 2.«Elementy Mentoringa: 65 klyuchevyx elementov», Brad Johnson and Charles Ridley.

3. “Teaching 101: How to be a professional leader” by John Maxwell.

4. “Elementary Style”, William Strank Jr. and Alvin Brooks White.

5.«Kak dobratsya do Da», Roger Fisher and William Urey.

6. «Book solution: 50 models of strategic thinking», Mikael Krogerus and Roman Cheppeler.