Abduvaitova Shahribonu-Theoretical issues of Uzbek linguistics and linguistics

Theoretical issues of Uzbek linguistics and linguistics

Annotation: This article talks about the stages of development of Uzbek linguistics, as well as the researches of our scientists about the problems that have not been solved, and the formation of the language, its socio-economic and biological value, modern directions of linguistics.

Keywords: Uzbek literary language, etymology, theory of linguistics, general linguistics, linguistics.

National development is clearly visible in the rise of the status and prestige of the national language. Based on the requirements of today’s new stage of Uzbekistan’s development – the period of national rise, large-scale work is being carried out to increase the place and prestige of our native language in societyThe large-scale reforms of our country, strengthening the status of the Uzbek language as the state language, and the legal decisions adopted to raise its status have led to a new stage of scientific research in the field of linguistics. In today’s era of globalizationIt is natural that every nation, every independent nation should prioritize its national interests, in this regard, first of all, it should focus on the preservation and development of its culture, ancient values, and mother tongue. In this sense, Uzbek linguistics is a modern science. at the level of directionResearching the linguistic heritage of the beginning of the 20th century as the first page of the formation and development is important in the work of securing our national interests and restoring our spiritual values becomes important. Uzbek linguistics has been fully formed as a modern science. All the work done on the study of the Uzbek language has one main goal – to study the laws of the development of the modern Uzbek language and all its branches based on this. It was focused on setting boundaries, because language is the foundation that determines our spirituality.if we look back to the years of independence, some works related to the study of the scientific works of scientists who contributed to Uzbek linguistics have been done. of the centuryIt has been seriously studied since the 1930s.it was during this period that Russian scientists A. N. Kononov, S. E. Malov, K. K. Yudakhin, E. D. Polivanov, A. K. Borovkov, V. Reshetov, along with the scientist A. Gulomov, who created his own school in Uzbek linguistics, talented linguists F .Abdullaev, T. Ibrohimov, A.Ibrohimov, S. Usmonov, F. Kamolov, T. Salimov, U. Tursunov, E. Fozilov were among them.In order to create a system of grammatical construction of the Uzbek language, the scientist defined the method of world linguistic analysis and classification as the main criteria and created his views by means of the synchro-formal classification method . If we pay close attention to the scientist’s work, we can be sure that he is one of the real founders of both systematic structure and substantial linguistics in the development of Uzbek scientific linguistics. Despite the fact that the synchro-formal classification method was the leader in Uzbek linguistics until the 40s-80s of the 20th century, from the 70s Sh.Shoabdurahmanov, G.abdurahmonov, M. Askarov, O. Usmonov, A. Rustamov, M. Mirzaev, F. Ubaeva, A. Khojiev, M. Mirtojiev, I. Kochkortoev, etc., and were observed in the works of a number of leading scientists. Our scientists are working day and night on unsolved problems in Uzbek linguistics. .for example, one of the linguists, B. Toychiboev, in his article “Founder of Uzbek theoretical linguistics or a word about the Ayyubona study” says that “… like all sciences, each period has its own requirements for linguistics . therefore, it is appropriate to observe the history of linguistics in connection with its own history. If we approach the issue from this point of view, since the forties of the last century, the theoretical study of the Uzbek language has become the demand of the time. In order to create the theoretical foundations of the scientific grammar of the Uzbek language, armed with the advanced ideas of Eastern and Western philology, the internal capabilities of the classical language, folk language, the language of examples of folk oral creativity, and the internal capabilities of the literary language, as well as the laws of developmenta great scientist with deep feeling and good knowledge was needed”, he was fully right. .The main source of Uzbek linguistics in the 40s-80s of the 20th century is the theoretical ideas and opinions of Prof. A. Gulomov, S. Usmanov and other major scientists based on the advanced views and achievements of world linguistics, including Russian linguisticsit is known to everyone.serious theoretical ideas of world linguistics, imbued with the spirit of this period, scientific based views and heritage have already taken a strong place among the values ​​of the Uzbek people. The novelty of the beginning, progress, and results of the research of current problems of Uzbek linguistics at the beginning of the 21st century. F ormal, substantive and anthropocentric linguistics. their commonalities and differences.One of the integral components of world linguistics, Uzbek linguistics, which has been contributing its fair share to the positive solution of current issues facing world linguistics, has experienced the influence of various worldviews, teachings, and theories during the past centuryremained within the scope of general linguistic processes.ethno-social community called Uzbek, that is, the nature, formation, development of the Uzbek language, which is related to the nation, reflects its rich history, fully satisfies the need for daily communication, unites and consolidates it stages yesterday and todayUzbek linguistics, which has a clear vision of the future, is no stranger to the changes taking place in world linguistics today. without hesitation, it should be noted that the Uzbek language system contains not only the special aspects related to sister Turkic languages, but also the general laws related to the independent languages ​​existing in the five continents of the world. from this point of view, in the scientific approach and objective assessment of the complex path of Uzbek linguistics, it is required not to isolate or tear away the laws specific to it from general linguistic phenomena and processes. It is known that at the beginning of the 20th century, linguistics, which moved away from sociology and psychology, announced the motto “Language in itself and for itself” as its only object. f. Although the project of general semiology advanced by de Saussure was partially expressed in semiotics, linguistics did not lose its independence and did not become part of a general science like semiotics. 

The science “Theory of Linguistics” provides information about the main issues of linguistics. The first part of the “Theory of Linguistics” provides basic information about the formation, development, and classification of world languages, and the second part of the “General Linguistics” course deals with theories, doctrines, analysis of ideas, and linguistic methods in world linguisticsaimed at elucidating its essence.The science of “Theory of Linguistics” sheds light on the socio-economic, biological, physiological and social value of language, the development of world linguistics, the history of doctrines, the stages of theoretical views, language levels, the degree of reflection of existence in human thought and language, its diversity, the linguistic worldprovides information about ways of knowing, means of communication, processes of formation of linguistic departments. as well as being formed within the field analyzes issues related to modern trends, their object, subject, purpose, tasks, social and educational significance. “Theory of Linguistics” is a relatively complex, scientific, philosophical science. linguistic theory, language and society, language and history, language and thinking, language and spirituality, language and cultural development, language levels, language units, language and speech, the formation, development, types of writing, the semiotic nature of language, as a system and structure essence, substance and form in language,discusses paradigmatics and syntagmatics, types of linguistic structure.”Theory of Linguistics” gives general, systematic conclusions about the construction of language, the nature of language, the role of language in the social lifestyle of mankind, language and methods of language research. introduces students to the main trends in linguistics, schools, their specific teachings, activities and views of famous linguists, description of principles related to them, research methodology, methods, important achievements. The science of “Theory of Linguistics” discusses the levels of language. The phonetic-phonological, lexical, and grammatical levels are analyzed as the main levels of the language. The essence of the theoretical issues of linguistics is explained through sections such as dialectology, phraseology, stylistics, and etymology. Diachronic and synchronous methods of analysis are used to study these issues.In conclusion, we must say that Uzbek linguistics and theoretical issues of linguistics include a number of important aspects, and also the uniqueness of this language is an important element of expressing national culture. Discussing theoretical issues of Uzbek linguisticsdevelopment of linguistics, delivery to the public on a large scale and in high quality is one of the important tasks set .

 Used literature:


2. Development of the Uzbek language (Ahmadaliyeva Fazilathon)

3. UZBEK LINGUISTICS AND ITS DEVELOPMENT WAYS (Rakhmatullayev son of Anaskhan Hamidullo)

4. https://tsuull.uz/sites/default/files/tilshunosliknazariyasinashr2020_0.pdf