The diary of the angel-Ganiyeva Mubina Khan

   2683 year. I am standing on the 80th floor of the 87th floor building and observing the surroundings, only skyscrapers can be seen from the semi-darkness. Since the atmosphere is full of substances harmful to the health of people and other living beings and the climate, amines, carbon monoxide, gold match dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, and biological molecules, it is impossible to see beyond 100 meters. If you reach the 40th floor, you won’t even find your partner next to you. This world is under such darkness.

   Oxygen sacs are essential for us to live. You have to carry oxygen bags which is made of heavy iron on your shoulders all the time. These oxygen bags, which have become a part of people’s lives, are very heavy when it is new. He serves us only 12 hours. If you do not find another oxygen bag before this time expires, you will die. If you breathe this air for only 5 minutes, you will die from any disease within a week. Due to the lack of food and oxygen bags, they begin to give less food to sick people, and do not even give them oxygen bags.

   Animals have already been extinct. How can plants grow while people are suffering from lack oxygen? Even if it germinates, it cannot produce oxygen for us due to lack of sunlight. I have tried. I put some flower seeds in a bowl and poured some of my drink into it. I have been waiting since that time. Not a single green leaf has sprouted yet.

   Nowadays, people live in groups. People lived in a small family of 5-6 people and in a small house many years ago, in contrast, we are 50 people now. Our kitchen is rectangular and you can breathe without oxygen bags inside it. Food for 10 people is placed in the middle of it, there is half a bowl of food and a piece of bread. I don’t know how and where this food is prepared. You just have to act like a spark. If you do not eat within 10 minutes, even if 1 second passes, you will not be served the next meal. We eat like this three times a day.

   All people seem to be used to this situation. If they leave here, they will die because of starving before running out of oxygen.

   As if the end has come.

   People are also afraid to move fast, because if they speed up, their breathing will also speed up, and prematurely, their oxygen bags, which is used only 12 hours, will run out of oxygen.

   That’s why they are afraid to go down. In addition, these oxygen bags are very heavy, so they can’t go far with them. The only things that people do are sitting together, or sleeping, or reading books. Fortunately, there was a library on the 79th floor of the building where we were standing. We take out books and read from here. I am interested in reading books, because when I read books, I imagine the lifestyle, nature, and animals of people who lived in this world thousands of centuries ago, and I find their abilities in these books.

   How beautiful the past was centuries ago. People could easily walk without oxygen bags. They ran when they wanted, they sang when they wanted, they could do whatever they wanted. Even those who did not think that if I run now, I will run out of oxygen. I also want to play football, volleyball, wrestling, seek-and-high and similar games that they had played. I only know about these games, I don’t know the fun of playing them.

   Summer… How beautiful… Everything is green, trees are everywhere. Listen to the children’s cheerful voices. They are singing. One family is having lunch in nature. They are talking and laughing with each other. The tables are full of all kinds of fruits and sweets. Everyone is happy. But, did they know that these plastic containers for storing fruits and food will not rot within 5 thousand years?

   Winter… Everywhere is covered with snow. Two children are making a snowman, and two girls are playing in a snowstorm on the street. Others are skiing on the hill.

   Spring… Do all the trees bloom? What about flowers? Will it open so beautifully? Do flowers make a pleasant smell? Do butterflies fly over them? Do they fly as if they are playing catch with each other. Morover, are birds also returning from hot countries busy building their nests?

   Fall season… Look at the beautiful fruits on the trees that I love. Figs, apples, pears, pomegranates, plums – everything must be sweet, right? I only know their names and how they ripe. I have never eaten them in my life time.

   Unfortunately, we always have one world which has neighter winter, spring, autumn, summer, even nor day and night. The sky is always the same color. To see sunlight is a dream for every person living in this dark world.


I finished reading my 4978th ​​book today. In it, Gotye wrote: “A person who is not able to fight for what he sets his mind on does not deserve what he sets his mind on.”

   I want to take care of flowers, trees and animals that I have never seen in my life. I also learned what they need to grow and what nutrients they need while I am living there.  

   Of course, one day I will achieve my dreams.


   Today we formed a team to change the world. A team of 4 people. 4 people who did not want to live in this place from birth to death. Members of our team: I am Nozima, 18 years old. Abdullah is 21 years old, Namuna is 19 years old and Sardor is 22 years old. We decided to get down from this building and walk in only one direction, until we see sunlight. We planned to find a place with fertile soil and plant trees and flowers.


Today was a so crucial day for all of us. We gathered all the people in a big room and told them about our goal. They argued with each other. Finally, they agreed. They gave us special clothes. It is not necessary to carry an oxygen bag in this outfit, and the oxygen is enough for up to 3 months. We were all given separate bags filled with food.


We named our team “The Spark” because we always do all of things like it, Moreover, if we don’t find a place to plant plants within 3 months, we will definitely die.


   Today is November 19, 2683 at 8:30 am. We set off. For the first time in my life, I have set my floor to the ground from the 80th floor to the 1st floor. We tied a rope around our waist so as not to lose each other. Because, it is impossible to see Namuna, who is standing one inch away in the darkness here. The collapsed parts of the building are interrupting our march. There is no way to pass between them. We stopped now to rest. Today we walked for 10 hours. We took care of ourselves once so that our food supply would not run out.


   It’s been 7 days since we left. We will stop to rest for 4 hours. We haven’t met any people yet. Perhaps they are also at the top of the building. Like us, they may not have landed on the ground.


   It’s been a month since we left, but it’s still the same darkness, it seems even darker. We forgot to sleep. We will only stop around an hour to rest and eat. Exactly, we have two months left.


   1 month and 25 days. We had an accident. Abdullah’s clothes were pierced by a piece of metal. Now, his oxygen consumption has decreased significantly. I tried to fix it. After about 3 hours, I could patched her clothe. But he only had enough oxygen for another week. We don’t even know where to ask other people for help. Furthermore, our nutrients are little. Maybe they are enough for 2 days. 


   I am freaking tired. We haven’t slept in total for 3 days. Everyone is also exhausted. We ran out of food. We entered a building to look for food. Fortunately, this place had used to be a store. We can find some packaged food.


   We spent the night in this store. The noise of people woke us up. They pointed pistols at us and asked who we were and how we got here. They spoke a different language. We are Uzbek, and they are Italian. Namuna learned spainish from her father, so she translated their words into uzbek. After we talked for a while and told where we were going, they took us to their group and locked us up. Abdullah has 3 days to run out of oxygen. We are hungry. We asked them to help us. They argued with themselves. In the meantime, they talked with us. Then they agreed to give us clothes and food.


We stayed here for 10 days. Abdullah was given tools to mend his clothes. Sardor repaired the clothes again and refilled all of our clothes with oxygen. They also gave us flower seeds and food when we were leaving. A month has passed since the Italians helped. It has been 3 months and 29 days since we left our shelter. The environment became much brighter. Around twelve o’clock in the afternoon, when the sun rises, we feel that the sky brightens. It will be different to feel the warmth of the sun. There are not any types of skyscrapers. Instead of them, low-rise houses can be seen. Yes, we are able to see around. We have also untied the rope from our waist. 150 meters away is easily visible. We are being encouraged with these situations. They also affect our mood, we almost don’t sleep, but we don’t feel exhausted.


   It has been 4 months and 17 days since our trip began. Finally, we arrived at a place where the sun’s rays fall. All of us are so happy. We started to explore this place. Abdullah and Sardor built a greenhouse for flowers, adapted it to provide oxygen. Me and Namuna planted flowers.


   Since 7 days, we are starting to clean the surroundings from garbage. Bags, napkins, plastic containers – all items that do not rot easily.


   We are taking good care of the flowers. Today, something green appeared in our greenhouse. We are in high spirit to see this.


   Today is the 24th of May. We have 13 days to run out of our oxygen. While we are considering about our nutrients and oxygen, our flowers bloomed. That’s why, we are inspired and also on cloud nine to see this right now. After 13 days later, perhaps we will die. But we can do our purpose.


We are in a difficult situation. The wind picked up this evening. It broke our greenhouse. Now the flowers die without oxygen. We don’t know what we should do. We can not return also, because after 10 days our oxygen will run out of. Boys repaired our greenhouse. And now, we are trying to plant seeds again whenever it is possible.


   We are very happy at the moment. The reason why, it’s been 5 days and the flowers haven’t faded yet. The sun now shines for 6 hours a day. Our planted trees also sprouted, it reached 39 cm. However, we have another problems with oxygen. We have 5 days to run out of oxygen and we are wondering what to do next. Will we die or we survive as plants?


   Today, a group of Spanish came. This was our fortune. Because we have remain a day to run out of oxygen. They gave us oxygen bags. Also they are enjoying to see these plants which are growing in this polluted air. We planted together with Spanish seeds which Spanish brought. Moreover, they are so happy to see the sun.


   It is now August 2684. Every flower and tree grown in the greenhouse is sorted and planted on our cleared land. We think that we will build a garden in the future. There are no more garbage around. Land productivity has increased. Abdullah, Sardor, Namuna and I had learned everything how to cultivate the land, build a greenhouse, and how to grow flowers before going on a trip. We are very happy that everything we have learned is helping us now.


    2685 year. I saw something unusual today. There, except for the greenhouse, only green, small something. He was a sapling. Now we started to test the plants by planting them outside the greenhouse.


   We are in a bad situation. Sardor’s oxygen bag broke today, unfortunately, we don’t have another oxygen bag. Those Spanish had gone to their shelter. When they come again here? We don’t know.


   We are so happy in these days, because on the 10th day that Sardor was living without an oxygen bag, no change was observed in his health. As long as we thought he was going to die. The seeds we planted outside the greenhouse also sprouted. Our garden is becoming larger to larger day by day. Now we don’t even need a greenhouse.


   Today is the day that I, Namuna and Abdullah will run out of oxygen. Can we live like Sardor or die?


   It’s been 5 days since we ran out of oxygen. We also started to live like Sardor. We are very happy to be able to live without oxygen bags. Now we can run as much as we want. We also play different games whenever we want. It is also worth saying that the seedlings of our tomatoes have also turned red. We have eaten them in the first time. They were delicious when I imagined them.


   It’s the 25th day of our life without an oxygen bags, and Sardor’s is the 40th. I did not notice any change in my health, also Sardor. The Spanish came again. They are in high sipirit to see us living without oxygen and our garden. Our garden is bigger than when they saw it last time. Now we are taking seeds from the flowers themselves. We have high hopes. We think that we should begin to gradually move the members of our family from home.  


   Everything we read in books is becoming beneficial for living for us. To fill our clothes with oxygen again, Sardor began to make a device from available materials. Because the atmosphere of the area where we live has been cleaned. But If we return our home, it will start again in the same darkness. I don’t want to leave this place. But other people should enjoy these beauties just like us.


   Abdullah and I are on the way to bring other people. Namuna and Sardor stay here and take care of the flowers and gardens. The Spanish also greatly expanded their land area. A few of them are returning with us to bring some of other Spanish.


   After a month and a half, we arrived at the house of the Spanish. We rested there for 3 days. After filling up our food and oxygen, we set off again.


     After 4 months, we arrived at our home. Everyone was surprised to see us. We have told all the events in detail. We told everything about what happened on our way, who we met, how they locked us up, how we built a greenhouse, how plants grew even after the wind destroyed it. They were shocked to hear that we can live there now without oxygen bags. We said that we have a garden, we cleaned the area. We said that Sardor and Namuna are also in good health now. The Spanish also knew that they were building their gardens. We gave them some of the tomatoes we had grown. Everyone was very happy after tasting it.


   We gave them some of the tomatoes we had grown. Everyone was very happy after tasting it.


   We have all arrived. Namuna and Sardor were very happy to see our family members. They were upset that the others didn’t come. They decided to bring the rest of the house and set off immediately.


   The others who saw Namuna and Sardor also returned here. Now we are all trying to improve this nature. 


   Today is the year 2695. I am now 30 years old. I live a happy life with my one daughter and one son and my husband. I’m living in my dreams which I imagined in my early years. The land is covered with grass. Everything is green. Today’s world is very different from the world I saw when I was 18 years old. 12 years have passed since then. All kinds of fruits are ripening in the gardens. We also have 4 seasons now, winter, summer, spring and my lovely one is autumn. 

   The Spanish also built their own houses. Their gardens are also blooming. They and we eat the sweet products that nature has given us.

   Insects that have survived underground are also walking freely on the ground. Ants carry nutrients to their nests, because they are preparing for winter.

  We are not making all the mistakes that people made in the past. Instead of the plastic containers they used to put fruit and other things, we use woven baskets. We are preserving this nature as much as we can so that our children who live after us do not carry heavy oxygen bags like us.

We worked hard to create this life, and if we didn’t know how to survive and how to cultivate plants, we would die in dark world. But we did it all.