Pardabayeva Nargiza-This article is about the TIMSS test program…

Pardabayeva is the daughter of Nargiza Nazarbay.  He was born on 26.06.2003 in Zomin district of Jizzakh region.  Currently, he is a 4th-year student of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University.Mental Arithmetic Trainer…


This article is about the TIMSS test program, which is important in creating innovative education for young people in our country.  It mentions the reasons why this study entered the field of education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.  This study is intended for 2023.  Our country participates in this project for the first time.  Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it with special enthusiasm.  Because developed countries have a high index in international studies. 

 Key words: TIMSS international assessment program, IEA, Uzbekistan, mathematics, natural science, research methods, principles, 4th and 8th grade students.


        At a time when our country is rapidly developing through innovative development, it is necessary to comprehensively support the creative ideas and creativity of young people, who are the successors of our future, to form their knowledge, skills and qualifications, and to use advanced foreign experiences, international  It is important to improve the assessment system based on the requirements, to study international experiences, to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis of the existing system, to closely cooperate with relevant international and foreign organizations and scientific research institutions.

       For this purpose, with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to organize international studies in the field of education quality assessment in the public education system” dated December 8, 2018 No. 997  The National Center for International Research was established.  At the same time, the tasks of participation in international studies on the assessment of the quality of education were defined: 

         According to the agreement documents signed between the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education and the OECD and IEA organizations, Uzbekistan began to participate in the International Student Assessment PISA-2022 (formerly PISA-2021) and the International Program for Assessing Students’ Reading Comprehension PIRLS-2021.

          Now, participation in the TIMSS-2023 international program has begun.  In this regard, in accordance with the IEA organization’s “Official invitation to participate in International Mathematical and Scientific Research (TIMSS) 2023 trends”, on the issue of Uzbekistan’s participation in the TIMSS program for the first time, based on the preliminary dialogues between the National Center for the Implementation of International Research on the Evaluation of Educational Quality under the Education Inspectorate, the IEA leadership  consent was obtained.

           The leadership of the IEA expressed its satisfaction with the participation of Uzbekistan in this study and gave advice on which type of TIMSS is suitable for the educational conditions of Uzbekistan.  In addition, the IEA has invited the first meeting of national research coordinators to be held in Hamburg, Germany in February 2021, and has announced that it will provide an opportunity to discuss different evaluation models and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of research lines with experts from Boston College.  .

        TIMSS -Trends in International mathematics and science study) is a program for assessing the level of achievement of 4th and 8th graders in mathematics and natural sciences, organized by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).  will be done.

      In addition to comparing the level and quality of knowledge acquired by students of 4th and 8th grades in mathematics and natural sciences in the TIMSS international assessment program and identifying differences in national education systems, in addition, in schools in mathematics and natural sciences  the content of the given education, the educational process, the possibilities of the educational institution, the potential of the teachers, and the factors related to the students’ families are studied.

          The TIMSS program began its first survey in 1995 and has been conducted every four years until 2019 in 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023.  The next 8th cycle is planned to be implemented in 2027.

   TIMSS international research methods include:

 positive test results;

 questionnaires (for students, teachers, administration of the educational institution, experts in the field of education, observers of the quality of research);

 methodological support (a guide for national coordinators on the organization and conduct of research, a guide for school coordinators, a guide on conducting tests, a guide on checking tasks with free answers  manual, data entry manual, etc.);

 software (for selecting classes and students, entering data).

 International tests are developed based on the following principles:

 adequate coverage of tested content and types of educational and cognitive activities;

 maximum compatibility of the content of international tests with the material studied in most participating countries;

 ensuring the interaction of tests;

 the importance of the examined content in terms of the development of mathematics and science education;

 compliance with the age characteristics of the students, evaluation of the achievements of the developed test;

 compliance with requirements for public research.

           In the study, to what extent are the students of the 4th and 8th grades of Uzbekistan more literate in mathematics and natural sciences compared to their peers in other countries?  Is math and science interesting for 4th and 8th graders?  How does the family contribute to children’s learning of mathematics and natural sciences?  How is the process of teaching mathematics and natural sciences organized in our country today?  Is the process of teaching mathematics and natural sciences in Uzbekistan unique compared to other countries, and if so, in what ways is it manifested?  How do teachers’ methods of teaching mathematics and natural sciences in our country differ from teachers’ methods in other countries?  such main issues are studied and researched.

 Conclusion: By participating in TIMSS and other international studies, Uzbekistan will have the opportunity to apply the experiences of developed countries in the educational system of Uzbekistan and compare its results with the results of other countries.

 Continuous participation in the research every four years allows to monitor the effectiveness of the education system of our country on a global scale.  These programs serve to increase the quality of education by improving the national assessment system of the Republic of Uzbekistan and introducing the competence assessment system.