Davlatova Shodiyona-Case


If I’m not mistaken, I read in a book by Fyodor Dostoyevsky: “Being rich or being born is not in your hands, it’s fate.” This is how the story begins. The vast city is full of people rushing somewhere, the streets tired of the noise, and the huge trees waiting to drop the last leaf from the tree, preparing for sleep. A thousand thoughts and problems are in the mind of the girl who is walking dreamily over the leaves on the spilled ground. The sun sets early in the autumn days, and it was the same today. The rays of the sun setting on the horizon first fell on the special glasses worn by the girl and then on her eyes. But now she does not see the sun. He did not pay attention to “autumn”. People looked at this girl and said, “What’s the problem if she’s still young, if she doesn’t have children out of wedlock”, but they don’t know that the problem is not a person or age. After all, every child, big or small, may have their own problems. , but without answers, these questions have been bothering him since he was 12 years old (as he said, he was 19 years old. He blamed his parents for having an eye defect, because they did not pay attention to him when he was young, the fact that he wore glasses with the highest index among his peers But, of course, it is necessary to mention her beauty) On the way, she sat down on the roadside bench. Her imagination went crazy, she suddenly thought about the university she was studying in. She was a good student, diligent and a girl who participated in every competition. The main reason for walking was that they kicked him out for not paying the contract. He was thinking of earning money, but how? a waiter or a dishwasher in the kitchen? There was a high possibility that some jobs would be rejected because they were related to his eyes. with the phones, he looked at himself and at them, he seemed to realize that the day was getting dark, he looked at the old type of phone watch, the screen of which was blackened, which his brother had found in his pocket. He had to go back to his apartment as soon as it got dark, he was not allowed in. He reached his apartment, went inside, sat down on the floor and put his bag on the chair by the window. Two days ago, he didn’t have enough money for dinner because he bought a book for half of his money. How much less until now, after all, thinness is someone’s dream! he laughed madly. But he was happy that he got a book even without dinner. The next day he went to study, but no one asked him for tuition money, today he studied completely.
Weekend; he comes to his senses every two weeks. Today he is standing at the beginning of this familiar street. Earlier, the roofs of houses and planted trees could be seen from the beginning of the street. Before, he used to enter his house without paying any attention, but today it looks like a stranger’s house: the gate has changed color, the windows have changed, the plastered straw wall and the old wall, which has been standing for a long time, have collapsed in one direction. The yard is wide, there are big and small cracks in the walls surrounding the yard. Behind the wall, the luxurious wall of the neighbor is standing tall. Inside, he wrote, “No matter what happens, our wall should not fall down in the winter.” One day is good – two days are just quarrels. He had a brother, a sister, and siblings. His mother and sister wanted him to get married in a good place and always told him about it. “By the way, I need to take my notebook and notebook and write as soon as possible…
…A beautiful fate for a rose, to wither between the pages of a book!?
Or to die for a few minutes of happiness!?
and stopped, not knowing what to write, he said to himself, “One day everything will be wonderful, for us and for everyone.”

…Isn’t that what beautiful fate is?
The fact that your day was happy with you…
He was happy as if he had found a bag of gold in it and at the end he laughed saying it was wonderful:) He seemed to find a lot of logic in the book he bought, that being rich and poor in the world does not mean anything, it only has some measure in the eyes of people. “lib” meant to be separated from society and looked down upon or to have a high status, he actually thought about everyone’s rights and equal status. But why do the rich always have few problems and the poor have many problems even He said that pregnancy is also difficult. He wanted to sit and talk to someone about it for hours. While reading the book, it seemed that he fell into it, and when he finally finished it, he could not hold back his tears because of its impressiveness. , the importance of good and bad was focused on self-awareness. Looking at the cracked walls of the yard from the window, someone was forced to see these cracked walls, and someone’s house was full, and he thanked God. He wiped the tears from his eyes, his glasses were shining, and wiped them on the corner of his shirt. He asked inwardly that a miracle would happen. He didn’t go out much, he was very handsome despite wearing glasses. When he walked on the street, people would stare at him and talk to him. He doesn’t like it. He is the least of his peers. she had two boyfriends. I think they called it love. He used to say that a beautiful fate awaits him. As for the quarrels at home, his father’s work was not good and his mother earned more money than his father. This caused a rift in family relations. His father was unemployed, and his mother worked in someone else’s house. They had money for daily food and drink.
“Is every family like this, or only ours?” I used to say. Usually these events would make me leave home to study. It was my duty to think about my brother and sister, I left the house and walked to the car. We waited for enough people to get into the car and everything was going as usual until this guy spoke to him…
– It’s strange, after all…
A young man, at least a stranger, “is this place comfortable for you or should I give you my place?” is a sincere offer, but “giving your place” was not sincerity in the girl’s opinion.
– no, it’s fine
– maybe…
Don’t worry
The young man’s suggestion made him happy because the place where he was sitting was opposite to the people, but he didn’t complain about it and the important thing was to leave earlier by car.
When he was unloading his luggage from the car, he felt that the young man was paying close attention to him.
– Can I take your luggage to your car?
– it was the same, familiar voice again, “my car” he mumbled, “I don’t know if I have a personal car” and then he said thank you.
On this day, for some reason, these things were swirling in his imagination. When he was leaving school, the weather was so fierce that it seemed to blow away the trees because of the wind. it was impossible for him. When he said goodbye to his friends, he came to the bus stop, the bus was running late, and because of the water in his shoes, he had a strange lump in his throat, and it was difficult for him to swallow, as if he was dehydrated. A lot of time passed, but there was no sign of the bus, so he decided not to wait any longer and left the park covered with trees. He was panicking by looking around. While crossing the water, he felt that someone else was behind him and was coming, and now he started walking faster than before.

The sun, which had just melted from the clouds, fell on the raindrops left over from the hurricane, as if asking for an account of yesterday’s rain and wind, and was radiating a silent light. He noticed that the neighbor’s dog was barking at him. There was a girl who enjoyed every moment of life. Yesterday there was no sign of that girl. Maybe the rain and the raindrops are to blame? It’s not clear, it doesn’t depend on him…

His phone rang, why are they here? “the people who caused me to be born but are unhappy with my life” yes, it was his parents.
– Hello, how are you, as always, he made the speech short
“Daughter, we can’t pay for your tuition yet, you should understand that.”
I understand but what about them? they? Yes, of course I can’t attend classes from today (self)
– Okay, after all, this is not news, is it?
– Segan, your sister is still calling, answer her, good bye…
“Disgruntled people did not stop saying this because they said things that they could not tolerate at home because they felt gratuitous and excessive.” It is a strange question why poor people have many children and they always live as if they need something. but what about the rich? Some of them have one or two children and they don’t need them.” Such questions came to his mind and settled down. While sitting on a bench near the university, a car drove by. A beautifully dressed girl screamed and closed the car door. There was a woman in the car. Yes, it was his mother.
When he knew that he could not enter the university, he was sitting on a bench near the door. the girl sat down next to him and handed him the book in her hand.
– They told me to give this to you
– Good, but from whom? why
– Excuse me, where are you, bookie?
The book had a strange design, i.e. three triangles, and the name of the author was “Men Bu-Sen”…
On the pages of the book, it was said: “Who or what I am is not clear, usually everyone understands it differently. Sometimes I’m a free person in existence, sometimes I’m a figment of the world of ghosts” ended the first page with this. He imperceptibly lit up his surroundings, but it was not a burden. The next page affected him as if he had learned something new.
“You are my author. Whatever you read, “I” will do it. But I am not alive. “You are alive and life, I have no other way or opportunity to be in “I” – I cannot change. “When you understand yourself, you will find me, when you come to the university and know why you are coming, I am you, when you know why you are setting goals while reading a book and strive, then I will be with you, maybe I am…
(I hope, patience
I am that dream.”)
These words made him shiver. It was as if the dark clouds that had gathered in him all day were dispersed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, although he always blamed his parents for his eyes, today he learned to thank his mother instead of blaming. He closed the car in anger and realized that he was happier than people with healthy eyes but unhealthy hearts. Life is full of coincidences. it was the guy who happened to be in that car…
The girl began to write a draft in front of the side notebook
And at the end he added “my story is not over yet” period)…

(Hope it’s today
Hope is early… )