Do BELIEVE-Tyran Prizren Spahiu

One thinks that all bridges have collapsed

polluted air poisons the eyes

pretends there is no way out

wait a moment, millions of people in the world have the same fate.


Heart is crying, you have lost your composure

in your soul no one notices the poison

you seek loneliness, only there you find condolence

believe, tomorrow can bring you healings.


Life brings storms and good days

feelings get heavy, do not know where to head

be high minded and proud

believe in the great Creator, only He knows your needs!


You watch news, everywhere wars

the poor and the rich multiply

humanity marching towards destruction

believe in the great God, only He can help us.


Come, imagine enjoying pleasures

replace accumulated stress with a smile

open the door to closed wickedness

replace worries with a beautiful bohemian poems.

Tyran Prizren Spahiu

poetic verses volume


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