What reforms have been created for disabled children in Uzbekistan?Sayfiddinova Odina 


1st stage student of Andijan State Pedagogical Institute

Abstract: This article describes in detail about the laws, opportunities, and reforms of the President of Uzbekistan aimed at young people with disabilities in pre-school education organizations, and about the fact that they have equal rights with able-bodied children.

Key words: reform, law, inclusive education, MTT, children

It is gratifying that in our independent country, the state policy regarding youth has risen to a high level during the new Renaissance period.

Great attention is paid to the strategy of education development in the Republic of Uzbekistan. All the reforms in the education system in the new renaissance period of new Uzbekistan are showing their results and creating a new ground for the future of our people. In particular, inclusive education has become an urgent issue today.

President’s concept of development of inclusive education in the public education system in 2020-2025, [1] December 29, 2016 “On measures to further improve the preschool education system in 2017-2021” Decision No. PQ-2707 was adopted. In accordance with the decision, a number of tasks were defined, such as the introduction of the pre-school education system of foreign countries in depth and implementation in our country, as well as important and urgent tasks were defined. [2] In addition, in order to create the legal basis for the introduction of inclusive education based on today’s requirements, the concept of inclusive education was included in the draft Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”. In this regard, the President’s decision “On measures to introduce new principles of management into the public education system” adopted on September 5, 2018 is of great importance in the development of the system. It is no exaggeration to say that the introduction of the concept of inclusive education for the first time in our Constitution – our new Constitution was one of the biggest changes in the field of inclusive education. That is, in accordance with the revision of the New Constitution, in the second section, the ninth chapter, article 50: “Inclusive education and training is provided for children with special educational needs in educational organizations.” This year, by decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, it is for pre-school and school education 

Resolution No. 46 dated January 25, 2024 “On measures to improve the system of education and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs” was signed. [3] There is no doubt that such efforts made in our country will definitely bear fruit in the future.

In the countries of the world, special attention is paid to raising children with disabilities and in need of social protection, helping them to take their rightful place in society. The United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons”, “Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, “Education for All” program is correct. Declaration, “Asia and Oceania Program of Measures for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, “Standard Provisions on Ensuring Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child” and other internationally accepted the main goal of regulatory legal documents is aimed at protecting disabled children, and these international legal frameworks provide for the effective introduction of an inclusive approach to the educational process.[4]

Professor Peter Mittler of the University of Manchester writes: “Inclusive education is a step towards the ultimate goal of inclusive education for all children and adults, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, ability, disability or not.” creating society, participating in society and contributing to itnoted. [5]

Dear President: “We consider pre-school education and school education, higher and secondary special education system and scientific and cultural institutions to be the four integral links of the future Renaissance, kindergarten teacher, school We consider our teachers, professors, and scientific-creative intellectuals to be the four pillars of the new renaissance era,” he said, realizing that the pre-school education system is the first pillar, that is, the foundation. today’s young personnel need to be able to respond to the demands of the times, to provide proper education and training for our future.

In conclusion, I can say that I was surprised by the system of preschool education in foreign countries and the education of children with disabilities in it. Pre-school education system is developed in different ways in all countries, within the framework of their own laws, decisions, orders, based on the mentality of the state and country, it is possible to provide education to children with limited opportunities. It depends on the skills of today’s personnel to integrate the experience of inclusive education abroad and in Uzbekistan, without separating children with disabilities from the society, without contradicting the laws being developed in our country on the basis of innovative approaches and technologies in foreign countries. Taking into account our own mentality when introducing foreign experiences and education system to our country, diagnosing and analyzing children with disabilities, knowing their psychological, spiritual, physical and mental potential, being able to feel what is possible and what is not possible for a child, we young personnel is one of our priorities. All professions can make mistakes during their career, but doctors and pedagogues cannot make mistakes. Because it is the task of the educator and pedagogue to educate the young generation to be perfect in every way. That is, the educator and pedagogue is the pillar of the first building in the formation of the child as a person. 

List of used literature:

The concept of development of inclusive education in the public education system in 2020-2025

Decision No. PQ-2707 of December 29, 2016 “On measures to further improve the preschool education system in 2017-2021”.

Decision No. 46 of January 25, 2024 “On measures to improve the system of education and rehabilitation of children with special educational needs”.

“Fundamentals of inclusive education” Instructional manual. Urganch. 2020.

Rs. Shomakhmudova, “Special and inclusive education, international and national experiences” – educational methodical guide. Tashkent 2011.

http://info-tashxis.uz/home/SinglePage/1267 and https://uz.m.wikipedia.org