Angela Kosta traduce i versi del dott. Abdeljabbar Choukri Casablanca


Dott. Abdeljabbar Choukri è  Psicologo, sociologo, poeta e scrittore nato a Rabat, in Marocco.

Dott. Abdeljabbar Choukri è:

– Titolare di dottorato con 110 e lode in Sociologia presso l’Università Mohammed V, alla Facoltà di Arti e Scienze Umane, Rabat (Marocco)

– Titolare di dottorato in psicologia con 110 e lode presso il DIANA International College nel Regno Unito (Gran Bretagna)

– Titolare di dottorato in filosofia con 110 e lode presso l’SMRT International College (Regno Unito)

– Titolare di Dottorato Honoris Causa in Letteratura (poesia e romanzo) dall’Accademia Araba di Letteratura.

– Titolare di Dottorato Honoris Causa in Letteratura dall’Accademia Hazar per la Poesia e la Scrittura.

– Titolare del diploma in Scienze dell’Educazione presso la Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione della Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione di Rabat,

 Università Mohammed V, Rabat (Marocco)

– Titolare di diploma di lingua francese da TCF 

– Titolare di diploma di lingua francese da DACF, dell’Istituto Europeo per l’Insegnamento della Lingua Francese nell’Unione Europea (A1et A2) (B1 et B2), (C1 et C2) = dal Centro Culturale Francese di Casablanca Marocco)

– Titolare di diploma di lingua francese DELF presso l’Istituto Europeo per l’Insegnamento delle Lingue Nazionali nell’Unione Europea (A1et A2) (B1 et B2) = presso il Centro Culturale Francese di Casablanca (Marocco)

– Titolare di diploma di laurea in lingua e letteratura inglese al college Arti e Scienze Umane, Ain Shaqi, Università Hassan II, Casablanca (Marocco)

Dott. Abdeljabbar ha partecipato a numerosi seminari nazionali ed internazionali.

Finora ha pubblicato numerosi libri di psicologia e sociologia nonché raccolte di poesie.

Inoltre ha pubblicato numerosi articoli in arabo, francese e inglese su giornali arabi, francesi e inglesi di tutto il mondo.


Non c’è via d’uscita dal lamentarsi

Tranne che vedere l’esistenza sorridente

Non c’è soluzione per compiangersi

Tranne che asciugare le lacrime

Non c’è sfogo di melanconia 

Tranne che riempire l’anima di gioia

Non c’è crollo di disperazione

A meno che tu non ti aggrappi alla speranza

Non c’è modo di sbarazzarsi dalla depressione 

Tranne che cedere alle risate

Non c’è godimento nella vita 

Tranne che donare l’amore 

Non c’è no e no

E c’è tranne, 

A parte ed eccetto…

Ma in un attimo del tempo

Vado ad abbracciare la notte 

Mi lamento delle mie preoccupazioni

Riportando indietro i miei ricordi 

Del passato, fin dalla mia infanzia

Non trovo nulla, solo oscillazioni nei sentimenti

Non trovo nulla solo oscillazioni nel comportamento

Non trovo nulla, solo oscillazioni nelle promesse

Ricordo quand’ero bambino

Mia madre mi raccontava la storia araba

Le Mille e Una Notte

Riguardo Shahrayar e Scheherazade

Riguardo il palazzo incantato

Riguardo La Bella Principessa e la Bestia.

Mi ritrovo a navigare 

Nei racconti di mia madre, nelle favole arabi

Lei mi racconta e mi racconta 

finché non mi addormento in un sonno profondo.



Dr. Abdeljabbar Choukri is 

Psychologist, sociologist poet and writer born in Rabat, Morocco.

Dr Abdeljabbar Choukri is:

– Holder a Doctorate with a very honorable distinction in Sociology from Mohammed V University, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Rabat/Morocco.

– Holder a Doctorate in Psychology with a very honorable distinction from DIANA International College in the United Kingdom / Britain.

– Holder a Doctorate in Philosophy with honorable distinction from SMRT International College, UK.

– Holder the first honorary doctorate in literature (poetry and novel) from the Arab Academy of Literature.

– Holder a second honorary doctorate in literature from the Hazar Academy for Poetry and Literature.

– Holder a diploma in Education Sciences from the Faculty of Education Sciences from the Faculty of Education Sciences in Rabat,

 Mohammed V University, Rabat / Morocco.

– Holder a TCF French language diploma 

– holder a diploma in the French language DAKF ,levels of the European Institute for Teaching French Languages in the European Union (A1et A2) (B1 et B2). (C1 et C2) = from the French Cultural Center in Casablanca/Morocco.

– Holder a diploma in the French language DELF at the levels of the European Institute for Teaching National Languages in the European Union (A1et A2) (B1 et B2) = from the French Cultural Center in Casablanca/Morocco.

– Holder a bachelor’s degree in English language and English literature in college. Arts and Human Sciences, Ain Shaqi, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco

– Participated in many national and international seminars

– He published many books in psychology and sociology. And poetry collections

– He published many articles in Arabic, French and English in Arabic, French and English newspapers in the world.


There is no way out of complaining

Except seeing existence smiling

There is no solution of crying 

Except wiping the tears

There is no outlet of sadness 

Except to fill the soul with joy

There is no collapse of despair

Except you cling to hope

There is no way to get rid of depression 

Except by indulging in laughter

There is no pleasure in life 

Except the giving of love

There is no no and no 

And there is except, 

Except and except

But in a moment of the time

I go to embrace the night 

I complain to it my worries

I Bring back my memories 

From the past since my childhood

I find nothing only fluctuations in feelings

I find nothing only fluctuations in behavior

I find nothing only fluctuations in promises

I Remember when l was a child

My mother tells me Arab stories

One Thousand and One Nights

About Shahrayar and Scheherazade

About the enchanted palace

About Beauty of princess and the Beast

I find myself navigating 

In my mother’s stories in Arab tales

She talks to me and talks to me 

until I fall asleep in deep sleep.

Preparato e tradotto in italiano da Angela Kosta Accademica, giornalista, poetessa, saggista, critica letteraria, redattrice, traduttrice


The first existential storm facing 

My Ego in front of otherness 

With all its manifestations

In existence we appear 

Each other during our life

At a moment of my conscience

I discover that the otherness

Moving by through the persons 

And through the words and things

In the bottom of my existence 

There is the Ego and the Other 

The other is me ,but who is not me

The other like me, but he is different to me

The Other existes out of my Ego

And out of my awareness

The Other is another Ego

He has his other self objective,

Existence in the universe 

He has his own consciousness

Like me 

He has his own freedom

Like me

He has his own will 

Like me

Everything we say about Ego

We say it also about Other

And in the opposite 

Everything we say about Other

We say it also about the Ego

That means there are a dual entities

In the existence: the Ego and the Other

In order to live together

For eternity and forever

The Ego and the other 

Have the same human being 

The other has the same human body 

Like me 

The other has the same feeling

Like me

Through otherness l feel myself

Through otherness l hug the existence

Through otherness l feel 

The pain of the existence 

Through otherness l immerse 

Myself in human concerns

The Ego establish with the Other

Authentic communication 

Then there is the dialogue between them

This dialogue leads 

To presenting arguments 

And evidence for an issue

The philosopher Plato

Shows that the contradictory dialogue

Is a good way to obtain 

An agreement of conscience

They explain their reasons 

To each other

And forces themselve to examine 

The other’s reasons

This dialogue between 

The Ego and the Other

Leads to the cooperation 

Two conjoined double existences

The Ego and the Other 

As philosopher Heidegger said

Side by side In different worlds

Each one has his own experience

The process of existence 

Is imposed at each other 

Without theirs will

If they want to coexist each other 

They should benefit from 

Each other’s experience

And continue the process of existence

Then The relationship between 

Ehe Ego and the Other

It is a cooperative relationship

In this confrontation in dialogue

It borns interaction and attraction

Between the Ego and the Other

Which lead exactly to the benevolence 

Between Ego and Other

As Aristotle said 

This benevolence leads to friendship 

The friendship is love for each other

And wish well both of them

But in The brightness the otherness 

Appears clearly In front of human eyes

There is no puns and disappearances

Every behavior expresses its meaning

Every action or event appears 

with its Symbolism

Everything becomes justified

In the name of love and humanity

In the name of interest and necessity

In the name of logic and reason

The Ego in front of the Other

Each of them has his independent being

Independent freedom

Independent will

Independent mind

And independent decision

In this independent being appears 

The respect for their own being 

In other hand the humanity itself

Is the dignity as 

Philosopher Kant said 

When l respect the dignity 

Of the other l respect my humanity

And when l insulted the dignity 

Of the Other In the same time 

l insult my humanity 

The dignity according to kant is 

Not turning a person into 

A tool or means for others to use

Dignity is not being subject 

To the guardianship of another

Is not loss of will, 

Is not loss Freedom 

Is not loss thinking.

Prepared Angela Kosta Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator