Poetess Somdatta Mitra-For every laugh puppets enlighten life

Country : India 🇮🇳


When I witness the puppets,

Being controlled through the strings.

My laughter covers the pain and anxiety ,

Which was a comfort and satiety.

The strings manipulate the movements ,

Like destiny manipulates our life and achievements.

With each attempt ,

The puppeteer experiments the moves.

As we explore places of interests,

We must develop the puppetry to various entertainments.

How splendidly the puppeteer controls the strings !

As the marionettes significantly unfolds a world of their own in restrain.

They ensure the puppets are dancing with grace,

And always uplifting a divine smile over their faces.

Their colourful , vibrant costumes attract masses,

The cheerful faces unbolt their enthusiasm with dances.

Life is thrilled in such a paradise ,

Smiles gather as if innumerable blessings shower and emphasise.

Every child must witness such puppet theatres ,

Performances of the Kathputlis will determine their creative features.

Childhood must bloom with abundant joys,

And the puppeteers must receive their due honour through recognitions.

©®Somdatta Mitra

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