The Poet Francesco Favetta was born in the land of Sicily…

The Poet Francesco Favetta was born in the land of Sicily in Sciacca, he has always loved poetry, writing verses, but above all culture, food for the soul: culture is Freedom, it is Free Spirit, it is Soul in Motion, not should never be harnessed!

In 2018 he was awarded the Academician of Sicily by the Accademia di Sicilia.

He has been published in various anthologies and magazines, among which we mention a few:

international magazine The Poet;

Revista Azahar which edited the first anthology of poems in Spanish: Encantamiento y Palabras como Plumas;

Anthology The Silk Road Anthology: Nano Poems for Africa; “Poetic Galaxy Atunis”;

WorldSmith International Editorial; OPA The Poetry Journal; Innombrable magazine; Polis Magazine; rank of minister in the Order of the Titan and publication of a lyric in Octobermania;

international literary magazine Kavya Kishor in Bangladesh;

international magazine of language, literature and culture “Petrushka Nastamba” Serbia; international magazine, Namaste India and certificate of appreciation;

Different Truths social journalism platform;

Cisne Revista Digital;

Humanity magazine St. Petersburg; fourth Panorama International Literature Festival Spain, delegate for Italy.

He founded a theater company in Sciacca: “Theatrum Socialis Sciacca”, and a Lions Club, “Sciacca Terme”.

Finally, the Poet Francesco Favetta is convinced that Poetry will be the weapon with which humanity will set its life free, and furthermore that Beauty will always be a truth, which will never be buried:

from the times and events of daily human life!             

   Francesco Favetta                                          Sciacca (Sicily )Italy 

      Every silence is Peace !

Like the sun

this heart burns

and every breath

it is a powerful wind

that always breaks out

in the trials of life

and in truth it is never extinguished.

How many times has it been

imposing desert

swept away by fury

of warrior love

remained standing

before the bitter songs

to daily indifferences.

Without words then

the infinite thirst has been quenched

and into the dark nights

every silence has become

really loved sleep

absolute rest

and Inner Peace.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta 

    In this silent hour 

It’s already evening

and the dim light

over the horizon

gives way

at first dark.

The song of the night

he’s already knocking

and the silence flies

among the darkness

and in every breath.

And who knows how many lives

they fall asleep

in this silent hour

in beloved dreams

and inside the sleepless nights.

                                                                                                                                        The song of love 

It is within time

the song of love

does not change

doesn’t give in

it is always on

in memories

in the moments

and in the eyes.

It’s like this everywhere

laughs in a grateful voice

the song of love is strong

it is a profound mystery

remained rock

he is blessed

divine feeling

and enchantment in the heart.

                         In the dark night of Peace 

We will see

how it will go

to finish

in this pilgrimage

without return

so desperate

because it’s not easy


together with the truth

and to the heart

around the world

in the desert

in the doubts of life

and in silence

remained motionless

in the dark night of Peace

killed by man.

###.                                                             Life !

Life tell me

how many times have you come

near the dark

and then from the sudden jousts

your voice still sang

without stopping in the wind

and when you swallow poisons

you are always reborn again.

Precious life

beautiful portrait

sleepless awakening in the heart

you my life

tree with deep roots

often on your lips

the song of love

it was the most beautiful music.

Life without skin

next to your wounds

my every smile was

the blood response

mine getting bigger

the arduous happy song

the divine Comedy

that faithful warrior heart of mine.

My life

how many more steps

within this time

in the folds of the days

along the journey of Faith

in this sea

that never stops

in the routes of the beloved song.

###.                                                                                                                                      Listen to your heart !



of peace


subject of time

listen to your heart


bring with you

the big moment


of noble flights


harbinger of future events.

Turn your gaze

to the vivid example

marked by endless battles

never won


from the empty sensation

torn from the fields

of shouts


bloody pain.

Raise confidently and decisively

the banner of light

eternal diadem


vibrates without firing a shot


the vestal remains

to the dark ground

stepmother of humble lives.

Sing to the gifted wind

your carved sign

in empty chisels


he hurls intrepidly

with arcane strength

pure nectar

by ancient virtues


Rejoice and rejoice

knight of the heart

the dawning day

smiles at love

with true joy


divine strength!

###                                                           Drops of tears

You are a man like the sea!

Tides always rise and sun

sailing ship on the move

shipwrecked in the choppy sea of ​​life.

Silent sea, tumultuous sea

stormy sea then calm

the muses golden sunsets.

We are shipwrecked on a journey

wrecks and dreamers

small broken boats and certainties.

Then dawn the dawning day

horizons and springs

the morning sun

the drops the tears flowed.

You man give to the wind

poems and drops of tears

make a message

and the cry of love

let it float in silence

the pearls from the eyes already born

mixing the sea waters

and the wet words

imbued with real substance

and eternal fraternal friendship.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta