Poets:Jasna Gugić


Where are you, poets,
you wizards?
Let’s color this sad world
and people with masks,
with our bright words
cause’ these eyes, behind the masks,
have already lost their shine and glow
as we do not breathe at all.
Go ahead, raise your voice
and wipe the mud from your shoes,
in the name of all those
silent people in their homes,
immersed in misery of
everyday and boring jobs.
Let’s spread the wings of our imagination
upon this program-minded world
and preserve the scent of childhood
and first kisses,
Let’s give love a chance to come back,
that divine joy of life,
let’s pour from our poems
and let it flow around the streets
all over the world
and let it reach and touch
every single lonely man in tears
and each women in black.

All Rights Reserved@Jasna Gugić

Jasna Gugić was born in Vinkovci, Croatia.

Jasna Gugić is the Vice-President of the Association of Artists and Writers pf the World SAPS, for public relations,Global Ambassador of Literacy and Culture for the Asih Sasami Indonesia Global Writers, P.L.O.T.S. the Creatives Magazine Ambassador for Croatia. She is a member of many literary associations.She is co-editor of anthology COMPASSION-Save the World, one poem written by 130 world poets.The last important award with a single nomination for Croatia awarded by UHE – Hispanic World Writers’ Union – César Vallejo 2020 World Award for Cultural Excellence.

Jasna is a multiple winner of many international awards for poetry and literature, translated into several world languages.Her first independent collection of poetry was published in
2021, a bilingual English-Croatian edition, entitled “Song of silence”. She lives and works in Zagreb, Croatia.
Many of her poems have been translated into several foreign languages and are represented in joint collections..Her poems have been published
in magazines in USA,Spain,Greece,Itally,Russia, India,Syria,Denmark,Brasil,Mexico,Bangladesh,Serbia,Albania,Nigeria, Belgium,China. Nepal, Pakistan and etc.
Her poems are published in so many world famous print and electronic magazines, journals, websites, blogs and anthologies like
Spillwords Press-USA, P.L.O.T.S. The Creative Magazine-USA, Atunis Galaxy Poetry-Albania – Belgium, Gazeta Destinacioni- Albania, Lothlorien Poetry Journal-UK, Eboquills- Nigeria,
Azahar Revista Poetica -Spain, Polis Magazino-Greece, Homouniversalis-Greece, A Too Powerful Word-Serbia, MagazineHumanity-Russia, MagazineGhorsowar-India, Al-Arabi Today Magazine,Magazine Rainbow. Willwash.wordpress blogazine-Nigeria, Bharat Vision -Denmark, Chinese Language Monthly – 中國語文月刊- China, Daily Asia Bani-Bangladesh, Humayuns Editorial- Bangladesh,Himalaya Diary – Nepal, Litterateur Rw, Agarid br. 24, Sindh Courier – Pakistan and etc.