The Poet Francesco Favetta was born in the land of Sicily

The Poet Francesco Favetta was born in the land of Sicily in Sciacca, he has always loved poetry, writing verses, but above all culture, food for the soul: culture is Freedom, it is Free Spirit, it is Soul in Motion, not should never be harnessed!

In 2018 he was awarded the Academician of Sicily by the Accademia di Sicilia.He has been published in various anthologies and magazines, among which we mention a few:international magazine The Poet;

Revista Azahar which edited the first anthology of poems in Spanish: Encantamiento y Palabras como Plumas;Anthology The Silk Road Anthology: Nano Poems for Africa; “Poetic Galaxy Atunis”;

WorldSmith International Editorial; OPA The Poetry Journal; Innombrable magazine; Polis Magazine; rank of minister in the Order of the Titan and publication of a lyric in Octobermania;international literary magazine Kavya Kishor in Bangladesh;

international magazine of language, literature and culture “Petrushka Nastamba” Serbia; international magazine, Namaste India and certificate of appreciation;Different Truths social journalism platform;Cisne Revista Digital;

Humanity magazine St. Petersburg; fourth Panorama International Literature Festival Spain, delegate for Italy.He founded a theater company in Sciacca: “Theatrum Socialis Sciacca”, and a Lions Club, “Sciacca Terme”.

Finally, the Poet Francesco Favetta is convinced that Poetry will be the weapon with which humanity will set its life free, and furthermore that Beauty will always be a truth, which will never be buried:from the times and events of daily human life!       

   Francesco Favetta.      Sciacca (Sicily )Italy 🇮🇹   

                                                                                                               That’s life!

It’s a gift

breathe non-stop

sing in your heart

lives in the rock.

That’s life

it’s time that goes

they are the deep roots

in the earth by man.

And it still is

love in your veins

it is the inner child

every human bond.

©Copyright Francesco Favetta 

Do nottalk to me !

Don’t talk to me man

don’t talk to me yet

in harsh tones

and laughter on the lips

don’t talk to me about life

of your desires

and your accumulated stuff.

Nothing about us is seed

truth and destinies

they are hidden from the eyes

don’t talk to me man

you are in love with yourself

of your selfishness

of your hidden poison.                                                                                                             # ##                                               

     Freedominmy hands !

In the wind

I’ll let it escape

every moment

in the teeth

I’ll hold on tight


in my hands

I will have life

and in my eyes

infinite love.

My life

that you often drink

in inner silence

swallowed tears

and then my life

your eternal breath

It will always be


and a song

never tamed.   

                                                                                                                         # ##                                                              Weare one humanity 

Flying aimlessly

we are travellers

between the stars and the sky

shipwrecked in the universe

looking for the meaning of life

destinies drifting over time.

We are one humanity

in search of our days

scattered footsteps in the galaxies

always wandering souls

children of spring

and spouses kidnapped from life.

We are the eternal space

where everything is infinite

we are the wounds in the earth

the desperate breathing in the night

peace in the future of the world

and we are still the divine song.     

                                                                                        # ##                                                                                                                                               Theseed oflife 

The soul sleeps

breathe in your thoughts

rest happy

it’s night in the heart

silence lives everywhere

in the realm of dreams

everything is sacred

life is seed

it is faith.

The soul

lives eternally

in the ways of the universe

in every home

she is the spirit

it is the celestial song

she is the bride of time

the vital breath

the eternal caress in the eyes.                                                                                               # ##                                                             You are a man!

Don’t hold a grudge

in man’s life

keep the song inside

and the love that flows


in your land

in your heart


it is your seed.

You are a man

because in your fingers

or in doubt

you never hold back

every gesture extinguished

or any spit


or again

the portrait of anger.                                                                                                                # ##                                     

                      Pure Love!


it is infinitely and intrinsically linked to life in its deepest interior recesses, and also to the primordial essence of which we human beings are made:

body and soul, blood and emotions!

Still, within every little breath, in everyday stories, we are:

the miracle of life, and the songs, and the faith in the heart, the peace and the love,

harmony and serenity!

We are:

that everything that surrounds us, and drowns us and our lives in the earthly journey!

It’s a whole thing!

It’s unique!

It is the truth!

It is essentially:

every moment that

human knowledge, painfully, gives birth to itself!

The exact moment, where a single powerful cry would like to tear apart everything, absolutely everything, destroy everything, give justice, shed light and give life, what it is, the right cure:

Pure Love!                                                                                                                               ###                                                                                                                                    Shes the one knocking !

It’s your turn


you have to run

with force

every day that comes

you can’t sit

you hear the music

it is she who knocks

in life


Get up man

it’s dawn

come on the hours begin

do not stop

walk the way

of your dreams

push again

it’s not the end

it is the beginning of man

it is the song of the heart.

© Copyright Francesco Favetta